In Love Wif A Mannequin !!

Dec 8, 2008

Know a Mannequin?? Lifeless! No feelings at all!

Imagine if You're in love with one. Damn it's hard!

Imagine you cant be sensitive with them, cant be too fun with them. You just cant! But what usually happens is that you cant be sensitive with them. Cant show too much of that soft side of yours. They will think you are the boring one, not them! N sometimes it happens when they do not actually know you love them, but they always be coming to you and do some things like splashing you some signs that they like/love you. But when it is time for you to go to them and show some love, they will freak/show no feelings at all!

For those in the mannequin place, just be more sensual to your partner/friends. Identify their true feelings towards you and please reply with the most appropriate reaction. If you love them then do whatever you should, but don't go giving them hopes! It hurts for them!

For those with a mannequin partner, hold on! You know sometimes they just be kind of mean/cool to you cause they actually like you. People said that we always tease the one we like cause we want to get some attention / or want what we tease to be in their mind and hope they take it just a joke. But it is still hard to identify where you are with your partner,

SO for both sides, CONFESSION is worth it!!