Feelings = Complicated !

Dec 15, 2008

Yes! Feelings equal to Complicated!

Pelik dealing dgn perasaan nieh actually..It changes almost all of the times and sometimes the factors of changing it could be the littlest thing happened in our life..

Ku pon sama gak.. Lately ku rsa tr amat rapat dgn sumone yg dlu ku xbrape rapat and ku actually xsuka sgt kat dia.. Xtahu mcm mane rase xsuka itu boleh hilang tapi sekarang boleh kate ku n dia tu rapat..Haha..Funny la mcm mane perasaan boleh buat kita rasa sumone yg dlu kita xsuka as one of our bFFs..! Hmmm..

And lately my feelings for BISKUT slowly decrease..Thats a good thing! Im enjoying my life here! But sometimes i think its only due to distractions and everyone I love here at Kelantan jew yg mendorong Ku utk rsa kurang suka kat BISKUT.. But anything pon xkisah laa.. Haha

Feelings nie mmn memeningkan kepala laaaa weyh..Alangkah bgus klu dpt terbang..Haha(Xada kaitan langsung..)

Hehe..memang..Sekarang Ku slalu merapu entah ape2 and slalu ckap bnda yg langsung x berkait dgn topik yg dibual kan.. Sebab tu la dah lame xpost anything.. Takut membebel xtentu hala..haha..