17th Dec! A Lot happened! It changes Me.. I learn 2 be stronger, learn who's my real friend and enemy and learn to be who I really am!

Dec 19, 2008

A lot lagi yg I realized on 17th Dec 08!

Then, I realized sometimes promises are cheap! Dulu I always bear in mind that words are cheap, without ever realizing "WORDS" and "PROMISE" are connected because "PROMISE" is biuld up by "WORDS".., so not every promises will be done by that someone.. And it hurts to wait until the PROMISE to be true..Adoyai.. Ku pnya la tunggu dr pkul 8 tu utk promise kawanku sorang nie.., tp until exactly 11.50 Ku dah give up nk menunggu cause I know he just wont come through with what he had promised to me.. Damn! If it cant be done, why make we wait?? Nape Ku langsung xdiinform kan??Huh..

Semalam Ku gak mcm sedar sape kawan sape lawan..
Ku bersyukur Tuhan telah buka pintu ati Ku utk trima seseorg yg ak xsuka dulu sbagai bFFs Ku..Trnyata die la kwan ku slami nie.. & alter ego die pulak, slama nie Ku anggap kawan (tp xlah smpai thap bFFs) rupa2nye lawan yg xpernah Ku sedar..Nsib baikla smpat sedar, tidakny ntah ape2 yg akn jd kang!huhu..

Then the most important thing I realized is that, I should stop being what I did last night.. I wear a disguise just to seek for love? Damn! It aint right! It will never come true.. If I ever find someone that adore me, they do not really adore me. They adore my disguise.. Love is about accepting who you are for what you are.. Not perfection, appearance nor sex appeal.. To give love to someone you have to accept them for who they are.. Deep under their foundation-free skin! No make-up, no clothe and no lust..