im calm until i know u, oh Final Exam!

Apr 28, 2010

its coming and guess i better get ready for it.. have to put effort in all of it coz its hard..gonna be a stressful two weeks and i won't be online that much after this..maybe not at all..

need to be a study machine from now on..Got Philosophy,Language Awareness,Linguistics,Grammar and Malaysian Lit. to focus on and most of them i need to put EXTRA effort!

somehow feel really pumped up and wish me good luck and all the best yeah.. ^^

im calm until i know u r coming oh Final Exam..and now lets get this over and done with..

i said to my friend, coz im a believer..

Apr 24, 2010

my friend always ask me, why i am so into sumthing that i sumtimes get so obsessed with it..
i said to him, coz im a believer..

as much as i have negative thoughts, i am a believer..and the world is big, and im just a dust that mess the world up..

and we're mixed up with so many people to hurt us,to trust us,to care for us,to hate us, to make us cry and suffer, to appreciate us, to waste us and there's people to love us endlessly..

so just keep believing when u feel like there's nothing more u could hold on to my friend.. ^^

i had a bad dream~

Apr 18, 2010

aku jarang ada mimpi2 buruk yg mbuat kn ak agak sedih and moody..aku bukan orang yang percaya sangat dengan mimpi coz bagi aku mimpi tuh mainan tidur..tapi aku agak lemah if mimpi tuh bermain dengan emosi aku..

damn, aku dah tenang but then it strikes me again..why why why..

if i cud, i will erase the dream and evrything thats bitter..aku xmau ikot2 perasaan kerana satu mimpi yang not even a real thing back to my regular normal life..

if its just a dream, its gonna stay a dream..
as the same as my hope n dreams..if it just hope n dreams it's just gonna stay still like that only..

Au Revoir~

Apr 16, 2010

setelah ak dihentam oleh Mdm Zuraifah bahawa dlm Bahasa French TIADA bunyi 'R' instead digantikan dgn bunyi 'gh', ak akan igt sampai2 bile2 fakta tersebut! ^^

tp yg lebih sedih skali, ak denga2 kate Jana Niaga mcm ala2 dah nk tutup Internet supply for budak hostel..Betul ke? Damn..

Dahla cekik darah..Nak tutup internet yang dah mmg Sedia Slow tuh pulak..Ak igt berita tuh betul coz Semalam Satu Unisel xley on9, tapi malam ni dah BOLEY..huhu..So DOA2 la agar internet tak kena tutup..Kalau tak terpaksa la ak mengPRAKTIKKAN tunjuk ajar Mdm Zuraifah and mengucapkan 'Au Ghevwa' untuk ON9 selama hayat di Unisel ni....... :(

P/s; Final da nak dekat..SO mmg jarang gile bole on9, tapi still ak xnak INTERNET ditutup..At least everyweek bile2 ak free, boley la ak dtg FAKulti utk on9..huhu..

is it stars i see or its an empty sky?

Apr 9, 2010

i woke up,
my room is freezing cold but im feeling warm,
went to turn of the lights coz its fucking bright,
and i open the curtain and there's stars,
early in the morning,

i sit on the bed,
staring out the window,
cursing but i know i shouldn't
thinking it's the same thing again,
walking down the lane, halfway
just like a breeze, never permanent

i haven't talk,
and it's already late in the afternoon,
don't feel like i have to,
when my heart is numb but anxious,
feeling too comfortable,
with what might be the truth or lies,

but i said to myself,
that pain and disappointment,
are just simple compromises,
just feel the breeze until it last,
cause when the song ended,
u won't be able to enjoy it anymore.

lately i have no mood but it makes me write this baby right here..^^

sumtimes a boy just need his mother

Apr 2, 2010

damn..i dun think i could be even happier now..i jus got home..lil bit sad be staying jus for two days but its ok rather than not going back at all..

unihell gave me a hell bunch of stress..i dun like it..the drama..the loneliness..damn..i got some best good friends there (u guys know who y'all are ^-^) that helped me a lot but sometimes a boy just needs his own mother, his old best friends and his own bed to cheer him up..

gonna try to enjoy these two days to the hungry always there but here not anymore..
havent updated for a long time coz got no mood,but guess sometimes a boy also need his blog to talk to, espicially when the loneliness gets the best of him..