So many FunnY ThinGs Happen 2day..Haha..

Dec 27, 2008

Firstly, td mase hantar Azam n Bie g Pc for PLKN, meriah sgt2! Byk sekok.. LOL!
Yg pling pnting mase pgi jnguk Azam kat tngkap..Haha.. Br gedik kat tepi 2h.. X smpai 5minit, die hantar SMS kate "Dah Pecah LUBANG I LEMBUT"..hahaha..
Then nak g pecahkn lubang si Bie pulak tp kurang brjaya..Haha..
Then its a goodbye td.. Hope they have fun kat PLKN!

Then Ku n Ridz g KB jalan2..Just the two of us.. Dah lame dah x g KB mcm td.. ROund2 keliling kota.. Pergi Bazaar beli baju kemeja jap then jalan2 lagi.. N td ada jmpa mat salleh kat sana.. Ridz punya la excited nk tgur tp Ku nsihat "Kite jgn dok gedik sgt kalu nmpok sekok..Kite kna cool"(Konon2 nye laa..)..Lpas 2 pergi PANTAI TIMUR, Ku jmpa sekok yg paling sekok pernah ak jmpa dlm mase 1bulan cuti nie.. Mule la br drama kat sane.. Berpuluh pluh mint habis utk ngorat tp x berjaye.. Punya la sedih.. Igt da xde pluang, then nmpak die kuar PANTAI TIMUR so Ku follow, tp kegilaanku mn jadi2..Haha..Ku kejar die, then bile dekat ak menjerit, ak tersengih ak tgok kwn2 kat blakang(Ohh yer lupe ckp mase 2 NAem n Suf join ..)..N punye la kejar tp xdpat.. Hampa blik,..(Huhuhu..)

Then td dpt tau kawanku yg kat UNISEL ptut da dok kat UITM skunk tibe2 kuar UITM msuk blik UNISEL..Haha..yes Im talkin bout that Madil guy.. Welcome back..Haha..Tanx for the wise advice..Haha..

N then tibe2 Fazrul yg da lame xcontact ku tibe2 call..Die overnight kat bandar tp yg pelik, ALONE!! Arghhh! Adoyai.. Napela terfkir nk overnight soram2.. Die rase tkur, so die call ku utk tman smpai subuh esok..Haha..Haha..

Wat a funny and weird day! LOL!

The Way It Is.

Dec 26, 2008

You take a piece of your life,
And left it on my heart,
You don't know how much this affect me,
Make me think I'm crazy,

You hurt me You make me in vain,
Now the words are more than just pain,
When you make those letters align,
Saying you'll be gone far,

I couldn't even let you read the papers of my heart,
Leave everything in a mystery,
I'm here cause you make me think,
You want we to be here,
So you start it first,
But in this book,
The final page is empty,

Wish I ride the wind,
Take me far to you to whisper,
How I'm feeling, Don't let me go,
But guess when you really love someone,
You gotta let they go,
Even they never feel the same,
Neither know they are love.

So I stay up alone, alone,
Figuring out how it will be,
Cause a bed of roses just thorns without you,
And desert just gets hotter without your ice,

I couldnt even let you read the papers of my heart,
Leave everything in a mystery,
I'm here cause you make me think,
You want we to be here,
So you start it first,
But in this book,
The final page is empty,

Wish I ride the wind,
Take me far to you to whisper,
How I'm feeling, Don't let me go,
But guess when you really love someone,
You gotta let they go,
Even they never feel the same,
Neither know they are love.

A road always leads to another road,
Hoping that road will twist you back around here,
So go there, run as fastest as you could,
I'm not confessing anything,
So do you,
So let everything the way it is..

Wish I ride the wind,
Take me far to you to whisper,
How I'm feeling, Don't let me go,
But guess when you really love someone,
You gotta let they go,
Even they never feel the same,
Neither know they are love.

Something I feel.. Quite drama-sized a bit..

My GPA!! Argh!!

Dec 23, 2008

Wooheeeee! Thank God I got 3.94 for my pointer for my first sem! Im damn happy and I've cried tears of happiness (something that really really rare to be happening in my life..huhu..)!! Haha..Im So Happy!!!!

17th Dec! A Lot happened! It changes Me.. I learn 2 be stronger, learn who's my real friend and enemy and learn to be who I really am!

Dec 19, 2008

A lot lagi yg I realized on 17th Dec 08!

Then, I realized sometimes promises are cheap! Dulu I always bear in mind that words are cheap, without ever realizing "WORDS" and "PROMISE" are connected because "PROMISE" is biuld up by "WORDS".., so not every promises will be done by that someone.. And it hurts to wait until the PROMISE to be true..Adoyai.. Ku pnya la tunggu dr pkul 8 tu utk promise kawanku sorang nie.., tp until exactly 11.50 Ku dah give up nk menunggu cause I know he just wont come through with what he had promised to me.. Damn! If it cant be done, why make we wait?? Nape Ku langsung xdiinform kan??Huh..

Semalam Ku gak mcm sedar sape kawan sape lawan..
Ku bersyukur Tuhan telah buka pintu ati Ku utk trima seseorg yg ak xsuka dulu sbagai bFFs Ku..Trnyata die la kwan ku slami nie.. & alter ego die pulak, slama nie Ku anggap kawan (tp xlah smpai thap bFFs) rupa2nye lawan yg xpernah Ku sedar..Nsib baikla smpat sedar, tidakny ntah ape2 yg akn jd kang!huhu..

Then the most important thing I realized is that, I should stop being what I did last night.. I wear a disguise just to seek for love? Damn! It aint right! It will never come true.. If I ever find someone that adore me, they do not really adore me. They adore my disguise.. Love is about accepting who you are for what you are.. Not perfection, appearance nor sex appeal.. To give love to someone you have to accept them for who they are.. Deep under their foundation-free skin! No make-up, no clothe and no lust..

Not just a bad day~

Dec 17, 2008

Today is not just a bad day! Its worse!Huh!
I dunno, dunno, dunno dunno, dunno!

Having my mind on making decision and having my mind getting over someone and having my mind on mad at someone and having my mind hanging on with emotions..

Huh hell..What world have turn me into! There should be someone inside of me who didnt need to fake anything or even need to disguise to be happy or to hunt for something I always want.. Permanent Love.. When will I realize that "THIS PERSON" I am right now its not right.. Im confusing the world..And yet Im lying to the whole world and I serve then to see the fake me..

Feelings = Complicated !

Dec 15, 2008

Yes! Feelings equal to Complicated!

Pelik dealing dgn perasaan nieh actually..It changes almost all of the times and sometimes the factors of changing it could be the littlest thing happened in our life..

Ku pon sama gak.. Lately ku rsa tr amat rapat dgn sumone yg dlu ku xbrape rapat and ku actually xsuka sgt kat dia.. Xtahu mcm mane rase xsuka itu boleh hilang tapi sekarang boleh kate ku n dia tu rapat..Haha..Funny la mcm mane perasaan boleh buat kita rasa sumone yg dlu kita xsuka as one of our bFFs..! Hmmm..

And lately my feelings for BISKUT slowly decrease..Thats a good thing! Im enjoying my life here! But sometimes i think its only due to distractions and everyone I love here at Kelantan jew yg mendorong Ku utk rsa kurang suka kat BISKUT.. But anything pon xkisah laa.. Haha

Feelings nie mmn memeningkan kepala laaaa weyh..Alangkah bgus klu dpt terbang..Haha(Xada kaitan langsung..)

Hehe..memang..Sekarang Ku slalu merapu entah ape2 and slalu ckap bnda yg langsung x berkait dgn topik yg dibual kan.. Sebab tu la dah lame xpost anything.. Takut membebel xtentu hala..haha..

a new hObby !!

Dec 11, 2008

Ku da new hobby skunk.. Its still related to music but this time aku suke dgr lagu2 versi Mash-Up !

Lagu Versi Mash-Up nie lebih kurang remix arr..Dia tukar a little bit of the tempo, instrumental and many more.. But the fun thing with Mash-Up Version, satu lagu tu akan guna instrumental lagu lain and sometimes adie akan gabung 2,3 or lebih lagu untuk menjadi satu.. Huhu.. Best..

I got all the Masp-Up version from here :

Best! Try it out!

History Is Replaying Itself ~

Dec 10, 2008


BISKUT done it again... When we talk on the phone everything is fine but wait until use other sources such as text messaging, it'll be a disaster.. It happens everytime! Why!? Dia macm acuh x acuh.. Geram betul! Then how bout all the things you ever did to me?? What are the meanings of those things?? What??

I tried everything to get BISKUT outta my mind! I try dating again, open my heart to strangers that want to know me, be happy with my bFFs, go here and there, eat foods and apperently most of them are junks and also avoid myself into thinking so much bout you... But guess its useless cause (I hate to say it) maybe becuz I've fallen deeper and deeper each day..

If I do did something wrong, I apologize... I know I could be damn boring at times, but its just for a few moments... Still it is never a reason to be so cold cause I still hold onto those things you did 2 me that make me be hoping for more...

Hmmm just why the hell... Just so you know, I will never fall into you, if not of those things you did.. You started it and now you want to open the exit and escape?? Is that so?? N that time Im having so many dilemmas and to me BISKUT is like a sweetness you need to neautralize the pain and bitterness in your mouth..Why Why Why??

Need my BIG MUSANG! Huh.. Guess I thought wrong that I could just get over this damn thing... Damn Damn Damn !! Dia is turning into THE SWEETEST VENOM rather than simple old BISKUT OREO !! Damn!

A Very kaWaii Way 2 Procrastinate Ur Friends Time BY Greeting Them !!

Hmmm kalau dah xada pape nak buat, kaco la kwn2 2h..Tegur sapa dgn doram.. Send this to cutely 2 Procrastinate Ur Friends Time BY Greeting Them !! Haha.. (Credit To my friend aTem in Fs muaXXXxX!)

1. I need 2 tell u something, read number 5
2. Are u in a rush? read number 8
3. Are u curious? read number 9
4. Look its the following....u betta read number 15
5. I havent got the guts....just read number 17
6. I would like to tell u..but u should read number 16
7. I'll tell u...but first read number 2
8. Its very simple...just read number 4
9. Dont get nervous..its simple..jus read number 18
10. Not yet...but read number 19
11. Are u gettin tired? relax...just read number 13
12. Like i was number 3
13. You're nearly number 20
14. Just dropped by 2 say HI THERE,wassup!! heheehe!
15. Ur getting nervous..just read number 6
16. U still dont get it? just read number 12
17. Oh! im number 7
18. I dunno if u'll understand...just read number 10
19. Read number 11...slowly...and u'll find out
20. Now im'a tell number 14...really quietly ok?

Happy KACAUing your friends!!

Gain Weight Super Fast !!

I just come across these funny and crazy (I guess) ways to gain weight super fast! Haha.. Happy gaining 10 pounds per hour!

First, watch too much television. You know it is bad when you don't even need a clock. What time is it? Well, it is half past Oprah and a quarter to Ellen Degeneres. What time is dinner? After Friends is finished, of course. Every time you see a commercial, you know you've just gained 10 more pounds.

Next, stop going to the drug store. You don't need a pharmacist. You need Betty Crocker. She was the greatest chemist that ever lived. What do you take for a headache? Well, I take one brownie and a tall glass of milk. That seems to cure every illness we have. So, this method is sure to give you 10 pounds every time you have a headache.

Now, you can't expect to gain weight fast if you are still using the four food groups they gave you in school. Try using my new and improved food groups. First, there is the sugar group. This includes Snickers bars. Secondly, you have the soda group. Yes, this includes my morning Pepsi and all the ones after that. Thirdly, you have your snack group. This is chips, Twisties, beef jerky, and anything you can snack on. Yes, a few of those can be cross-referenced to the sugar group. This just makes them even better. Your fourth food group consists of fast food. KFC, McDonalds, Kenny Rogers, all of these are great ways to gain about 20 - 40 pounds.

Another way to gain weight fast is to be born a woman. Yes, women seem to gain 20 pounds for every pound a man gains. However, for every pound women loose, men seem to loose 20 more than ladies. So, if you really want to gain weight fast, you need two x chromosomes instead of one.

not-so-kawaii-life- ~ confession 01 ~

Dec 9, 2008

I hav so many in my mind but I guess sikit sudah la ckp.. Little by little..Huhu..

Aawa skunk tgah fikir byk benda dlm pale otak.. Penim nak solve kan..

Firstly pasal si BISKUT(FYI juz a nickname I gave).. Die mcm acuh x acuh jew.. Mcm mane laaaa.. Should I let Dia tahu evrything?? Mcm mane klu DIA freak out and evrything never be the same again?? Adoyai.. Im scared thinking about the upcoming risks! Tp Dia juz like so into me at times..

Hmmm what should I do?? Hmm confuse gile.. I seriously nak citer to my friend but kdang2 takut bother diaorang dgn maslah2 dunia ku..Huh.. Tp I need guidance.. What should I do now?? I need to know Where Am I with BISKUT in term of relationship...Huh..

2ndly, I have started dating with other again..Thats a good sign Im moving on from that DARN TURTLE but somewhere in my mind always think about BISKUT.. Mcm mane nie?? Adoyai.. If that one wish I have in my right now was granted, everything will be easier.. (Never ask me what is that wish about!)

3thrdly, I dunno.. I feel like ade some ketidaksedapan hati dgn a few Unisel Friends.. Mcm doram ade simpan sesuatu dlm hati doram.. Xpuas ati dgn ku.. Ntahla.. Myb 2 perasaan jew tp...Hmmmm..Ntahla..Hmmm..Wish nothing is wrong!

4thly, Td ade dgr something yg kurang sdp bout my bFFs.. Well that thing is not a rumour cause its true.. I am on the same page with how the story goes.. But mcm mane pon Dia ttap my one of my bFFs.. I cant hate Dia for that.. Worse is, I've join to mengumpat a little..Huh..Adoyai..

Thats it for now.. Myb I'll go grab some drinks and make my self happy.. Hope can do that.. Huh..

How To Know If That Special Someone Likes/Loves You ?? Part 2 !

Dec 8, 2008

Mcm mna nk tau org 2h betul2 suke kite ke tidak?? Hmm susah sebenarnya.. Lain orang lain cara dia suka dkt sumone 2h.. Hmm the thing is, it's killing to know either that person we like, like us back..Then I found this article on my Fs! Its not suppose to be accurate, but like I've said before, evryone have their own way of crushing/adoring/liking/loving certain person.. So got to have a very sharp eyes now!

Setelah di baca, ada kemungkinan jugaklaa, tp x semestinya betul... But If any of these happens in your relation ship, it could only be two things: You're Lucky or You Missinterpret Their Action Of Doing Something! That's why I said it's hard to identify without confession..!

Lately, My friends and me myself are having problem breaking down the code by the person we have a crush/like on! Urgh... Nak kate suka, takut xlebih pon dari hubungan kawan... Nak kate xsuke, maybe xkot cause ade a few scenes yg membuatkn kita fikir dia suke kite.. Sweet talk, kisses, hugs and more..

Then kalau suka/cinta kenapa buat all those sweet thungs?? Or is it just upon lust?? Dont they know that giving fake hopes to us just makes us even into them and expecting more from them??Adoyai....Pening my geng nak fikir kan maslah kita org.. Payah nak bace fikiran org, espicially if that person is so unpredictable.. A few moments seems like they like you, but give them a minute they will sink your prediction of the way they feels about ue.. Huh..

Sometimes it's impossible kan?? Hmm the first minute they will be acting so up and into you but then...Huh...Hampeh! And sometimes because of situations and enironment x support that certain relationship.. Huh.. Forbidden love perhaps?? But every problems have it's solution right?? Boleh jew nak cari jalan selesai kan every problem there is..Huh

& Me, I've fallen deeply I guess... I need some real signs, If it's true I'll wait, If it isn't then let me coax myself to get over you and move on.. Huh..The passion is there, so it got to be right, Right??

How To Know If That Special Someone Likes/Loves You ?? Part 1 !

Ciri2 ORG Yg Mungkin Mencintai kamu:

1. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak bisa memberikan alasan mengapa, ia mencintaimu. Dia hanya tahu, dimata dia, kamulah satu satunya…

2. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, sebenarnya selalu membuatmu marah, gila, jengkel, stress. Tapi ia tidak pernah tahu hal bodoh apa yang sudah ia lakukan, karena semua yang ia lakukan adalah untuk kebaikanmu…

3. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, jarang memujimu, tetapi di dalam hatinya kamu adalah yang terbaik, hanya ia yang tahu…

4. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, hanya menjatuhkan airmatanya dihadapanmu. Ketika kamu mencoba untuk menghapus air matanya, kamu telah menyentuh hatinya, dimana hatinya selalu berdegup, berdenyut, bergetar untuk kamu…

5. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan mengingat setiap kata yg kamu ucapkan, bahkan yang tidak sengaja dan ia akan selalu menggunakan kata2 itu tepat waktunya...

6. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, mungkin tidak bisa mengingat kejadian atau kesempatan istimewa, seperti perayaan hari ulang tahunmu, tapi ia tahu bahwa setiap detik yang ia lalui, ia mencintai kamu, tidak peduli hari apakah hari ini…

7. Seseorang yang benar - benar mencintai kamu, akan merasa bahwa sesuatu harus dikatakan sekali saja, karena ia berpikir bahwa kamu telah mengerti dirinya. Jika berkata terlalu banyak, ia akan merasa bahwa tidak ada yang akan membuatnya bahagia dan tersenyum…

8. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak tahu apakah ia harus menelponmu ketika kamu marah, tetapi ia akan mengirimkan pesan setelah beberapa jam. Jika kamu menanyakan : mengapa ia telat menelepon, ia akan berkata : Ketika kamu marah, penjelasan dari dirinya semua hanyalah sampah. Tetapi, ketika kamu sudah tenang, penjelasannya baru akan benar - benar bekerja dan berguna...

9. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan selalu menyimpan semua benda - benda yang telah kamu berikan, bahkan kertas kecil bertuliskan 'I LOVE YOU' ada didalam dompetnya...

10. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, jarang mengatakan kata - kata manis. Tapi kamu tahu, 'kucupannya' sudah menyalurkan semua...

11. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan selalu berusaha membuat mu tersenyum dan tertawa walau terkadang caranya membingungkanmu...

12. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan membalut hatimu yang pernah terluka dan menjaganya dengan setulus hati agar tidak terluka lagi dan ia akan memberikanmu yang terbaik walau harus menyakiti hatinya sendiri…

13. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan rela melepaskanmu pergi bila bersamanya kamu tidak bahagia dan ia akan ikut bahagia walau kamu yang dicintainya bahagia bersama orang lain…

In Love Wif A Mannequin !!

Know a Mannequin?? Lifeless! No feelings at all!

Imagine if You're in love with one. Damn it's hard!

Imagine you cant be sensitive with them, cant be too fun with them. You just cant! But what usually happens is that you cant be sensitive with them. Cant show too much of that soft side of yours. They will think you are the boring one, not them! N sometimes it happens when they do not actually know you love them, but they always be coming to you and do some things like splashing you some signs that they like/love you. But when it is time for you to go to them and show some love, they will freak/show no feelings at all!

For those in the mannequin place, just be more sensual to your partner/friends. Identify their true feelings towards you and please reply with the most appropriate reaction. If you love them then do whatever you should, but don't go giving them hopes! It hurts for them!

For those with a mannequin partner, hold on! You know sometimes they just be kind of mean/cool to you cause they actually like you. People said that we always tease the one we like cause we want to get some attention / or want what we tease to be in their mind and hope they take it just a joke. But it is still hard to identify where you are with your partner,

SO for both sides, CONFESSION is worth it!!

All Away Again!

Because My Blog faces a vey serius virus attack b4 (Pfff! No!), Or I just encounter a problem that is unavoidable, I have to delete it and start all over again! But I dont mind, Cause I have all the time in the world to redo my blog..So now I hope I will not encounter that kind of probz again n could be happy blogging here after!!