How To Know If That Special Someone Likes/Loves You ?? Part 2 !

Dec 8, 2008

Mcm mna nk tau org 2h betul2 suke kite ke tidak?? Hmm susah sebenarnya.. Lain orang lain cara dia suka dkt sumone 2h.. Hmm the thing is, it's killing to know either that person we like, like us back..Then I found this article on my Fs! Its not suppose to be accurate, but like I've said before, evryone have their own way of crushing/adoring/liking/loving certain person.. So got to have a very sharp eyes now!

Setelah di baca, ada kemungkinan jugaklaa, tp x semestinya betul... But If any of these happens in your relation ship, it could only be two things: You're Lucky or You Missinterpret Their Action Of Doing Something! That's why I said it's hard to identify without confession..!

Lately, My friends and me myself are having problem breaking down the code by the person we have a crush/like on! Urgh... Nak kate suka, takut xlebih pon dari hubungan kawan... Nak kate xsuke, maybe xkot cause ade a few scenes yg membuatkn kita fikir dia suke kite.. Sweet talk, kisses, hugs and more..

Then kalau suka/cinta kenapa buat all those sweet thungs?? Or is it just upon lust?? Dont they know that giving fake hopes to us just makes us even into them and expecting more from them??Adoyai....Pening my geng nak fikir kan maslah kita org.. Payah nak bace fikiran org, espicially if that person is so unpredictable.. A few moments seems like they like you, but give them a minute they will sink your prediction of the way they feels about ue.. Huh..

Sometimes it's impossible kan?? Hmm the first minute they will be acting so up and into you but then...Huh...Hampeh! And sometimes because of situations and enironment x support that certain relationship.. Huh.. Forbidden love perhaps?? But every problems have it's solution right?? Boleh jew nak cari jalan selesai kan every problem there is..Huh

& Me, I've fallen deeply I guess... I need some real signs, If it's true I'll wait, If it isn't then let me coax myself to get over you and move on.. Huh..The passion is there, so it got to be right, Right??