what!!!!? REALLY? ouh damn..

Jun 27, 2010

bangun2 pada hari ni, tgok jam digital dan kalendar serbaguna yang terlekat di handphone, mencatakan dah pon 26 aribulan jun.. ouh ouh cepatnya mase berlalu..terasa cam baru je tadi aku tengah tengok cite shin chan, tengok2 dah habis..macam tulah dengan cuti aku..haish..

tapi yang amat panik, esok aku naik flight pukul 9a.m tapi banyak baju2 belum dibasuh, barang belum dipacking,tiket belum diprint out, slip bank yang entah dimana, kasut yang tak pernah lagi aku pakai yang tertinggal di rumah kawan, movie2 dan cite2 yang belum diambil dari kawan2 aku..haish banyak benda belum settle nih nak pegi unihell..maklumlah kan nak masuk hutan, kena buat persiapan yang giler2 punye, kalau tak gerenti mati kebulur or mati kebosanan..

apa2 pon, esok nak g dah unisel..ceit! xpe2, aku tahu disitulah sebenarnya terletak kebahagiaan mutlak aku * kate2 semangat yang ter amat2 bohong dan terlampau *

p/s: aku amat2 memerlukan kata2 dorongan dan juga seseorang untuk menolak atau mengheret aku pergi unisel kerna otak aku masih lagi sedang mau holiday holiday di kampung halaman...ceit!

let go~

Jun 20, 2010

yes it doesnt work out..it was never meant to work out..i know it..i saw it coming..
but hey thanks for everything..there were good times n bad times..but now it's time to let go, so i let go..

well i do not appreciate the last five minutes of the phone call, but it's ok..we're not little anymore..we can move on..n i have learnt to forgive u, now it's time to forget u..it's hard, but hey nothing is really simple in this life..

i do not wanna be like other people, be mad and all you know..not that i can't..i can..but i refuse to..let us walk away from each other with peace not war..yeah a little disappointing it doesnt last long but what's important is that what we have at that moment, not what we have become..

so im wishing for both of us, happy always..wish u luck coz u might need it..lol..a little sarcasm won't hurt right..now for the love i have, im taking it out slowly, put in a bottle and throw it away..away away away..away from here..

p/s: tanx for everything..yeah i cried too, ur not the only one who hurts, but you gotta understand who should have hurt more here..but no matter, it doesnt matter..juz held our head high up and walk strongly~