is it stars i see or its an empty sky?

Apr 9, 2010

i woke up,
my room is freezing cold but im feeling warm,
went to turn of the lights coz its fucking bright,
and i open the curtain and there's stars,
early in the morning,

i sit on the bed,
staring out the window,
cursing but i know i shouldn't
thinking it's the same thing again,
walking down the lane, halfway
just like a breeze, never permanent

i haven't talk,
and it's already late in the afternoon,
don't feel like i have to,
when my heart is numb but anxious,
feeling too comfortable,
with what might be the truth or lies,

but i said to myself,
that pain and disappointment,
are just simple compromises,
just feel the breeze until it last,
cause when the song ended,
u won't be able to enjoy it anymore.

lately i have no mood but it makes me write this baby right here..^^


prisheela muniandy said...

i'm so touched dear..
so gud n nice but who r u refering to dey?

~ aaWa ~ said...

thanks prish!haha..

its quite general..when u r used to dissapointment..u r scare to be comfortable..haha..

boley la ak gnti nenek nnt..haha..

prisheela muniandy said...

oh k..its gud to start the 1st step of nenek..u sounds so sad dear..i like the poem...its valuable!!

~ aaWa ~ said...

ahha..ak kan plajar fav kena la gnti die nnt..haha..

huhu..cnfused.. *ding dong bell!*

Days said...

mdm zarihan mesti bangga dgn kamu hehehe

~ aaWa ~ said...

ouh haha..nnt la ak sruh die guna poem nih for next sem..ak kan poet malaysia..haha..