sumtimes a boy just need his mother

Apr 2, 2010

damn..i dun think i could be even happier now..i jus got home..lil bit sad be staying jus for two days but its ok rather than not going back at all..

unihell gave me a hell bunch of stress..i dun like it..the drama..the loneliness..damn..i got some best good friends there (u guys know who y'all are ^-^) that helped me a lot but sometimes a boy just needs his own mother, his old best friends and his own bed to cheer him up..

gonna try to enjoy these two days to the hungry always there but here not anymore..
havent updated for a long time coz got no mood,but guess sometimes a boy also need his blog to talk to, espicially when the loneliness gets the best of him..


Days said...

yeah hell give us lots of pressure huuuu...balik KB heh? bestnyeee

~ aaWa ~ said...

u r damn right!haha..lmbat ny nk hbis degree....haha..
a'ah..ak blik kb..ahad ni dtg blik..xpuas pon nk relax2.. :(