Sambungan Kelas Ms Na-Thinamalar Magiswary..Hoho..

Jul 14, 2009

Huhuhu..Ak xmampu t'lepas dr kekadang b'emosi mase on9..

So hari ni ak t'bukak pintu hati ak utk post poem ni.. Memang 1 of fav. past time ak karang lirik lagu..Tp this time ak amek 1 of lirik ak saje2 buat semak bilik ak jadikan die poem..

Huhu..Saje2 utk santapan kawan2 ak..
And yg betul2 memahami maksudny korang memang bagus..Hohoho...

It's killing me,
The fact that I've already,
Step into a zone where I can't unlove thee,
So do I have to keep going,
Cause I don't have nowhere to be heading,
Seems like all the roads I've faced came down to one,
And my eyes only aims on your own.

Get this lock out of my head,
Or get me into your heart so bad,
Like I do But you defy that,
You said it gonna happen when it's too late to go back,
By then I'm done Cause My feet already stepped on your trap,
Babe what do I do Cause I don't see no one else but you,
Already have this fantasy about you and me Just us two.

Yes I know there's other fish in the water,
Not for me Cause Only you could make me better,
Make me feel nothing's wrong being an eccentric loser,
Because you are my electric shower .


Yup yup mmg betul setiap poem ade cerita t'sendiri..(Ckp ala2 Ms Thina Lecturer literature ak yg byk m'hasut ak m'jadi lebih sastera drpd biase..Huhu but I LOVE U & WHAT U'VE DONE TO ME..Huhu..)

Cerita ak?Haha..korang decide..Literature bebas..It's based on opinion and as long logic, BETULlah..huhu..

Ade yg tanya ak tuju kat sape, jawapan ak..Ak hanya express feelings & thoughts ak je..Huhu..


Anonymous said...

uit... jiwang nmpak =)

Days said... dear u xpress ur feeling n tot buat org len wonders jep hahahaha

~ aaWa ~ said...

to ct: hehe ko pon jiwang pe dulu2..buat poem psal bntal la ape la..hehehehehehehe..

to shad: haha.. xpress feelings tuh based on myb mmg ditujukan kat sum1..haha..