Jul 7, 2009

Hari sebenarnya nak kate indah dan nyaman xdalah sgt kan.. Nak kate menarik & amat exciting hingga buat ak tr lompat2 tuh pon menipu lah kan! Haha.. Tp ape2 pon kerna amat boring ak pon buat lah survey nih time on9.. Haha..

1. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?

** Yup2.. Pernah2.. Dulu selalu lah..Huhu.. Sekarang dh lame xg..Tringin nak pergi..

2. Do you like mustard?

** Huhu suke2! Suke sgt actually..Syng ny xdpt slalu mkan..

3. Do you think The Grudge was scary?

** Haha ak xleh tgok segala jenis cerita horror unless its more as a Comedy & Horror..Huhu..

4. Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?

** Kalau ugut kwn ak teman ak g jalan2 & shoping2 time skolah2 dlu kire blackmailed then yes la..Huhu.. Ak gune rahsia2 yg die ad..Haha..

5. Was your mom a cheerleader?

** WTF!!!? haha..i dont think so..huhu..

6. What do you buy at the movies?

** Ak suke lunch dlm panggung so ak g beli Mcd or KFC & mkan secara seludup dlm panggung tuh..haha..

7. Do you read myspace bulletins?

** Kdng2 lah kot.. Coz kdg2 buletin kat sane ntah hape2 ntah..Huhu..

8. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?

** I think it's harder to tell then you don't love them back.. Susah weyh!huhu..

9. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?

** What the!? Haha..myb.. Coz ak rase ak amat sekepala dgn diri sendiri..Haha so ak xkisah lau ade sorang budak ni yg perangai 100% same dgn ak..Huhu..

10. Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?

** Nah! That's pathetic to me.. Tp xsalah pon!huhu..

11. What do you and your parents fight about the most?

** Haha..about money kot? Huhu..

12. Are you easy to get along with?

** Well i think maybe..Depends lah..Huhu tp ak mmg xde maslah sgt r nak gaul2 dgn org nieh..Huhu..

13. Are you continuing your education?

** Bulan 12 ye.. Bulan 12..Haha..

14. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?

** FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN!! haha..ade kelas PI tadi kat sane..Fuh! Balik2 je peluh..Balik2 je peluh.. Tp amat bermakna.. Ak dpt skill bermadah dr Ustaz td.. Haha..TIADA ERTI & TERDAMPAR KESEPIAN..haha..

15. Have you tried sushi?

** Yup..xminat sgt..Yerk! Tp ak suke teriyaki!huhu..

16. Do you play Sudoku?

** Tried and gived up..Haha..payah weyh!

17. If you could fast forward your life, would you?

** Nah! Y should i? Enjoy slow2 sudeyh!huhu..

18. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?

** 1st thing is that sexyniess doesnt amaze me that much & kalau dah kahwin tuh ak cakap je la..., "Abis tuh yg bg engko cincin tuh nk campak mane? Atas pkok?"

19. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?

** No..Haha not really into that kinda thingy..Huhu..

20. What did you do for New Year's?

** Ak selalu bernasib malang douh! Tahun nie ak dah kena g umah abg ak mlm new year coz dah nk dftar msuk unisel dah..Adoyai!

21. Do you like funny or serious people better?

** Sum1 who can balance both is better!

22. Did you eat a cookie today?

** X! Tapi pagi tadi mkn cekodok pisang!haha.. Guna pisang montell! Montell tuh name brand pisang tuh..Haha..

23. Do you hate chocolate?

** eh eh! Tibe2 plak.. Suke r weyh! Suke gile babeng! Woo Hoo!

24. If you could have any job what would it be?

** As long as it's ez and income lumayan..Haha.. Tp on 2nd thought.....,ish ish xleyh2..haha..Aiyo..

25. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?

** Ak suke makan sambil baring and bace komik or tgok cite..Haha..

26. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?

** Kalau ak ditinggalkan dgn dompet yg ade duit >rm500 InsyaALLAH ak survive..haha..

27. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?

** Selalunya tinggal kat entrance door or car park je..Huhu..

28. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?

** Kalau ak list kat sini mmg xsudah2 arr.. Utk senang kn cerita sum1 yg ak boleh borak dgn rancaknya.. Xkire sape2.. Tp ade r a few people yg ak harap dorang yg call Tp let it b a secret dah..huhu..

29. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?

** Depends on what kind of conversations we r in.. Kadang2 im more of a listener.. Kdg2 im more of a talker.. I think im pretty good at doing both in certain and different conditions..huhu..panjng2..letih2!

30. Do you know how to shoot a gun?

** Xtahu..COz dulu mase sekolah menengah cikgu selalu remind "JGN BAWAK SENJATA DTG SEKOLAH" Ak dah buat muke WTF dah time tuh..Senjate pe nih? So sume slah ckgu ak, ak xpernah berpeluang belajar cam ne nk guna pistol..Haha..


Days said...

psst..maawa nak num hp hahaha..tlupe lak xpernah ade num phone korang huhu...leh jmpe g lepas nih..lepax smbil mengumpat..sure heaven!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

oit...ngumpat tu x elok...tapi nnt jemput aku join skali

~ aaWa ~ said...

haha beres2! nnt ak send ye..huhu..hdup ngumpat! topik utame? NENEK!haha..

haha..ak tau ko pon mnat gak ngumpat kan memey kan?haha..