kenapa SEBENARNYA ak nak smbung bulan 12?

Jul 17, 2009

Hmmm..Mcm ni alkisah ny..Ak smbung degree bulan 12 nnt..Byk classmate ak m'persoalkn bnda ni..dorang tnya nape? AK jwb ak nk buat lesen..haha..Ak mls nk terang pnjang2 coz buat lesen tuh hnya satu alsan yg amat2 kecil..ak ade a few reasons yg agak and amat2 p'sonal yg ak xboleh tulis kat sini..And a few yg ak boleh tulis kat sini..Huhu..

1) Ak tahu mmg Unisel punya Tesl elok..Dah lame Mr Soo convince kan ak..Tp lau boley ak nk g sum1 better..Myb UKM or UM?haha.. So ak masuk bulan 12 so xadala ak bazir duit sgt byar yuran yang mahal ni mana tahu klau tahun depan ak boleh further sana..And kalau ak sambung bulan 8 ni, sem 2 konfem ak nak apply Mara..Tp lau ak apply biasiswa ni, and tahun dpan lau dpt offer lain, ak takut pyah nk settle..Then lau ak masuk bulan 12, incase ak xdpat offer lain, ak juz further Sem2 kat sini then apply je Mara kat sini..Huhu..

2) Ak nak amek lesen? alasan ntah ape2 ntah ak dok ckap kat org selama ni cause ak mlas nk xplain pnjang2..hehe..

3) Ad sumthing ak nk reinvent about my self..Huhu..After byk masalah jd kat Unisel ni, ak rase ak perlu a bit time(Of coz 2minggu cuti yg dibagi xcukup kot bg ak..) utk ak reinvent sumthing dlm diri ak..So huhu..Hopefully after ak masuk bulan 12 ni ak dah completely ready..

4) Ak nak amek Muet now..Huhu I know kat Unisel pon boley..Tp ada reason ak nak amek kat Kelantan..huhu..

5) And kat sini ak xleh list casue the final reasons ni adelah quite personal..And ade la kaitan2 dgn family skit..Here and there..OK..huhu..

Ak xrase lah bazir masa sgt actually..Its ok..Tu dah takdir ak..Ak akan cuba make it work for my future..K..huhu.. We sumtimes make a decision yg quite risky but it's ok..Im confident with my choice now..huhu,,

Hmm tadi ak t'jumpa Siva and Pathma..Siva gile2 pujuk ak further same2 dgn die..Die ckp takut die x ade kawan, but I said to her u got Pathma..Dont worry..The rest of the class also loves u so much..N u will have new classmates after this..So chill k babe! We'll gonna meet again wat nex sem...Hoho..

So to all my frens yg pernah jugak suruh ak masuk same2 wif korang, Sorry I can't.. But remember u'll always be the best classmates i ever have n will always have.. U GUYS R THE ROCKEST!HUHU.. N for the bright side, korang bley jd senior ak nnt..Hoho..How's that amusing u?HUHU..I know u love that fact..haha...

Ak hir kate, GUD LUCK FOR DEGREE EVRY1!huhu..Though We're No Longer 1A, But...,


p/s: Always hold to our motto; Everyone's Gay Once In A While..LOL!


Days said...

alasan kamu sgt rigid hahaha

Anonymous said...

mawa... tersentuh ati aku tngk gmbr tu... oit... ko betol2 la... mawa!!!!!!

~ aaWa ~ said...

to shad: beberape jam lameny ak amek mase utk susun ayat au..kaka..

to ct: hehehe..ak tahu ak bole jd deep n snsetif..kakaka..